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A Story To Inspire Kids

Every kid needs to know that no matter who they are, they were born to do something special.

I am looking for a publisher who believes in this message and would like to be a part of letting kids know that someone believes in them.

THE LITTLE KANGAROO Every kid was born for a purpose

Once there was a little kangaroo. One day a screeching cockatoo said to her, “come and fly with me,” as he flew up onto a tree branch. As hard as the little Kangaroo tried, she could not fly.

“You are hopeless!” said the screeching cockatoo as he flapped his wings, flew high into the blue sky and disappeared from sight.

Shortly after, along came a graceful sugar glider. “Come and climb with me,” said the graceful sugar glider, scurrying up the trunk of a nearby tree.

As hard as the little kangaroo tried, she could not climb. “You are hopeless!” said the graceful sugar glider as she sprung up onto the highest branches and disappeared from sight.

Later that day the little kangaroo wandered down to the creek for a cool drink of water. A playful perch swam to the surface. “Come and swim with me,” said the playful perch as he splashed and swirled around.

The little kangaroo could swim so she happily jumped into the water. As hard as the little kangaroo tried, she could not keep up with the playful perch as he ducked, dived and darted through the water.

“You are hopeless!” said the playful perch as he flicked his tail, swam away, and disappeared from sight.

Feeling very upset, the little kangaroo swam to the waters edge and climbed up onto the grassy bank. She began to cry. “Why are all of the other creatures so good at doing things? Why am I so hopeless?”

The wise old emu had been watching the little kangaroo throughout the day. He wandered down and stood beside her. “Why are you crying?” he asked.

“Well, sniffled the little kangaroo,” “Because I’m hopeless!” “All the other creatures are so good at doing things, but I can’t do anything.”

“Oh yes you can,” said the wise old emu. “Not only that, there is something you can do better than all of the other creatures.”

“Really?” questioned the little kangaroo. “Yes really, and I will prove it to you,” said the wise old emu.

“Tomorrow, I want you to meet me by the tall gum tree just after the sun rises. I will be inviting the screeching cockatoo, the graceful sugar glider and the playful perch to come along as well.”

The next morning, the little kangaroo met the wise old emu and the other creatures by the tall gum tree. “The playful perch sends his apologies,” declared the wise old emu. “He said he couldn’t come because fish simply can’t survive out of the water.”

“What are we doing here?” questioned the screeching cockatoo. “I’m glad you asked,” said the wise old emu. “We are going to have a race. Once around the hill and back to the tall gum tree.”

“The winner will receive this GOLD PENDENT.”

The screeching cockatoo felt certain he would win. He could fly faster than a raging river could flow.

The graceful sugar glider felt certain she would win. She could scamper and glide as fast as the wind blows on a very windy day.

The little kangaroo felt sad. “I know I am not going to win,” she thought to herself. “I’m hopeless.”

The wise old emu ordered the three competitors to line up at the starting line. “Now before I say go, there is just one rule you must obey. To win the race you must not fly, you must not scamper or glide. You must hop.”

“Hop,” gasped the screeching cockatoo. “I can’t hop!” “I can’t hop either,” complained the graceful sugar glider.

“Well you will just have to try. Ready, Set, Go!”

As quickly as his spindly legs would carry him, the screeching cockatoo hopped away. It was more like a stumble, trip, stumble, trip, stumble, trip; than a hop.

The graceful sugar glider raced off, doing her very best not to get her long tail tangled with her legs and arms as she went. It wasn’t long though before she found herself tumbling down the hill looking more like a tangled ball of fluffy fur than a graceful sugar glider.

The little kangaroo had been watching the other two competitors so intently that she had forgotten she was supposed to be racing too. “Well... off you go...” said the wise old emu.

The little kangaroo crouched down as low as she could, took a deep breath, then... hopped off as fast as she could possibly go.

Within seconds she bounded passed the not so graceful, completely tangled sugar glider.

The screeching cockatoo had stopped for a rest. Thump, thump, thump, thump. “What’s that sound?” he said aloud to himself. Thump, thump, thump, thump. It was getting louder. Thump, thump, thump, thump. Before he had time to turn around, the little kangaroo hopped past so quickly that the screeching cockatoo was spun around 5 times before falling to the ground in a dizzy, dazed heap.

The little kangaroo hopped so quickly that she made it back to the tall gum tree in no time at all. “I declare the little kangaroo the winner,” cheered the wise old emu as he placed the gold pendant around her neck. The little kangaroo was so happy that she started to sing. “I won, I won, I won the race. I hop, hop, hopped, I won first place.”

“Yes you certainly did win. You are the fastest, most skilful hopper out of all of the creatures I know,” said the wise old Emu. “Wow,” said the little kangaroo, jumping up and down with joy.

“Do you know why you won today?” asked the wise old emu. “I am not sure,” said the little kangaroo. “Because you were never meant to fly, climb or swim.”

You were born to hop!”

© Ian McIntosh 2016

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